Saturday, December 7, 2013
Charles Szabo
Charlie has been made an honary life member of the club Naranja. This little dog has found a forever home with not just one person to love him but lots of people. We just have to be careful that all this attention does not go to his head or more importantly his waistline.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Gourmet Gold Mousse for Oliver
Oliver has been a bit poorly and can not eat dried food. I am not sure if it is a result of the wound he had on his face earlier this year or something else. I started feeding him on tinned food but even when I mashed it up he still could not eat it. I have now got him this mousse and he loves it. So far he hasn't had any problems eating it, he is very thin but I am hoping with care he will put on weight.
Friday, October 25, 2013
I went on Tuesday with Andrea to pick up the little dog she has adopted from F.A.M.A. He is a delightful little boy, at the moment very quiet and placid. I think maybe when he gets over the trauma of being found,
taken to F.A.M.A where he had his vacinations and was castrated then went to a foster home for a few days, all this in the space of two weeks, a lot for a little dog to take in but I am sure he will be fine.
I know he will have a nice life with Andrea. Yesterday she had him at the club Naranja with her and everyone wanted to make a fuss of him which she allowed for a while then took him with back to her office for some peace and quiet.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
I am so sad
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Don't breed Pit Bulls. He looks like a beautiful boy, and he is, but when he bites, his bite locks and he is lethal..
I can not believe people who say they have problems. If you want a dog look into the breed, make sure it can fit into your life.
Rodders was taken on by a dog trainer, saved from death, four and a half years later he is going to be be put to sleep because it is the best thing for him.
Don't buy these dogs and they won't breed these dogs, don't put your family at risk. Look for a gentle breed one your kids are safe with.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
In memory of Treun a much loved dog by Debbie and all who knew him.
Poor Treun! gone to a better place
The Last Battle
If it should be that I grow frail and weak,
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this, the last battle, can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me,
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree,
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you,
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close,we two, these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Sad News
I had an email from my friend Chris to say her beautiful Border Collie Millie has died.
Millie had a long life and when she was young won lots of awards in agility which started Chris on her passion. Chris has since gone on to win with her dog Raz and now is competing with Ruby.
Millie had a long life and when she was young won lots of awards in agility which started Chris on her passion. Chris has since gone on to win with her dog Raz and now is competing with Ruby.
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Wednesday, September 18, 2013
This is Raz he was eleven 16 September 2013. What a beautiful dog, what a great photo.
Raz belongs to my friend Chris, he is related in the distant past to a dog I used to have. It is nice to know that in some way she goes on.
When I say this I don't mean senseless breeding. I think intially my friend Kaye who breeds Border Collies was very sorry when the kennel club recoginised the breed, she thought it would ruin the breed. Well maybe we have some people who are after looks but Kaye is still looking for working dogs. Agility, one of the ways these dogs can work.
If you want to walk, train, play and be very involved in your dog, Border Collies are for you, if not foreget it. These dogs are high maintenance, if you are not prepared for the work, don't go there.
Monday, July 29, 2013
The other day a blackbird flew into my lounge. I heard the dogs making a fuss and went in to see what it was and there was a blackbird fluttering at the window. I managed to catch him and put him outside. Poor thing had lost a few feathers round his neck and on his back. Although he went off I was a bit worried the shock might kill him. This morning I have seen a blackbird with feathers missing from his neck and back so am asuming it is him.I don't think there are too many blackbirds around missing the same feathers.
We have about three pairs of blackbirds that come and nick cat bicuits out of the cats bowl on the window ledge and this is where I saw him. I was a bit concerned when they first started to come, one because the cats might get them. So far we have had only one fatality and I am pretty sure it was not Tich or Tommy that was responsible. It was possibly Oliver but I rather think it was a stray tom cat that comes around. I do try to disuade him and the dogs chase him but occaisionally he chances his luck.
I did try to get a photograph of the bird but they are pretty quick and it is not all that good trying to snap them through the glass. I have, however, left my ipad on the kitchen worktop just in case I am lucky.
We have about three pairs of blackbirds that come and nick cat bicuits out of the cats bowl on the window ledge and this is where I saw him. I was a bit concerned when they first started to come, one because the cats might get them. So far we have had only one fatality and I am pretty sure it was not Tich or Tommy that was responsible. It was possibly Oliver but I rather think it was a stray tom cat that comes around. I do try to disuade him and the dogs chase him but occaisionally he chances his luck.
I did try to get a photograph of the bird but they are pretty quick and it is not all that good trying to snap them through the glass. I have, however, left my ipad on the kitchen worktop just in case I am lucky.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Another Photo
I don't think Sky appreciates being disturbed by having her photo taken. She is so relaxed these days.
Looking back on my blog I find I have had Sky now for more than a year. I can't believe where the time has gone. She is such a happy little thing it is hard to remember the panic stricken dog I brought home. Around the house and areas she knows well she is totally confident. Everyone has noticed the difference. She still will not let anyone stroke her unless she is sitting with me or Ken but she doesn't panic or bark like she used to. There are still things that upset her and I wonder if she will ever have the confidence Shula has. Most people who remember the timid dog Shula was say it will just take time, I am not so sure. The difference is, Shula was born wild, she was timid of what she didn't know, when we gave her security she accepted it. Sky on the other hand was terribly abused, she knows what some people are capable of, she knows we love her and she is safe with us but other people she is not sure about. I think she will never trust anyone she doesn't know well so people in the street that want to stop and stroke my dogs have to make do with Shula.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Passion Flower
Passion Flower
The passion flowers in my garden are starting to flower. I have managed to get a few roots to plant in my garden at the back.
It is the most beautiful flower I hope it will take.
It is the most beautiful flower I hope it will take.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Rufus - Not all dog parks are safe.
Rufus, dressed up as an angel for our Christmas party winning the first prize.
So sad the hear that he has died.
My friend Patricia and Tim did all the right things for Rufus and he could not have had better or more responsible owners. Rufus went to dog training classes every week where he was a great favourite with all the other dogs and owners, he was so happy, everyone loved him.
Patricia and Tim were loving protective owners so everything they did was for Rufus to enjoy his life. Taking him to dog parks was one thing you think would keep him safe, it didn't. They took him to a dog park in Rivera where he picked up a poison that is meant for killing snails, it killed Rufus.
Rufus was such a beautiful dog, so full of life and so loved it should not have happened but did. I am not sure how we protect our dogs especially mine who are rescue dogs used to scavenging.
It has been a month now since Rufus died but I still worry when I let my dogs off the lead to run.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Tommy one of Carmen's cats who followed her across here when she came to feed my cats while I was in the UK. He obviously preferred the quiet and less cats from her place. He has been with us for a few years now and is fed and looked after. Feeding these cats is not a problem. The problem comes when they are sick, fortunately I have Carmen to help who can get me the anti-biotic needed when they are injured. Vets fees are so expensive and for these cats which are so very hard to catch it is better if we only get them when we absolutely have to. We only get one chance, after that all trust is gone.
Tommy is looking good, also Tich for which I am grateful.We are still trying to look after Oliver. He seems well and perky. His poor face is still raw. I think he has scratched the scab. There is nothing we can do except feed him and monitor his progress. I am constantly reminded he is not my cat, he has owners, that they don't care, or can't afford better treatment I am not able to ascertain. My friend Carmen assures me we are doing the best we can, I really hope so.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Poor Oliver
I had not seen Oliver for a few days, then about a week ago he turned up looking very sorry for himself. He was all hunched up and miserable on the window ledge. When I went to feed him I saw that he had a great big wound on one side of his face. I rang my friend Carmen and she came over to look at him.We really have no idea what could have caused the damage, the wound seems too big to have been caused by another cat. We cleaned his face and put Betadine on him, poor boy did cry. Carmen got me a course of antibiotics and six days later he is back to normal, apart from his face, although that looks to be healing well. I am feeding him on pouches of soft food which he has no problem eating. Carmen and I decided not to consult his owner our Spanish neighbour as we know from past experience she will not take him to the vet. Anyway I don't think the vet would do any more than we are doing already. I expect my neighbour does know he has been injured because now he is feeling better he isn't spending all his time on our terrace as he did for the first few days. I don't think they feed him as he has been helping himself to our cat food for years. Carmen once told the neighbour that he came in and ate our food and her reply was that he was a free spirit. Suits me, he is a beautiful cat and feeding one more makes no difference. I personally would not want my own cats to eat elsewhere but they don't need to they are well fed here.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
A Dog Is For Life
Quite a few of my friends from the Calahonda Pet Dog School have returned to the UK. I really miss Georgie and Foxy but so pleased to see this photo on Facebook. I think it just proves it doesn't matter to your dog where they are as long as they are with you.
Georgie took all her cats and dogs with her when she went back. It is expensive but leaving them behind was not something she ever considered. I get so mad when I hear of English people returning to the UK and dumping their pets. I am not talking about abandoning them in the street, but taking them to a shelter and saying I am going back to the UK and can't take them. WHY can't you? There is no quarantine, you just need to get the animal micro chipped, which if it was a dog in Spain it should be already, get a rabies shot and 21 days later you can travel, just before you go it need tic and worm treatment. Probably the cheapest way is to drive back but there are lots of pet carriers that will bring your animals back for you. They charge, if you don't think your dog is worth it you should not have a dog. A dog is for life, they are not luggage to be left behind. They are part of the family, or should be, you wouldn't leave your kids, why would you leave your pets unless you are the sort of person who thinks dogs are accessories, designer toys for your kids, looks good on a lead.
Well I could go on, in the UK we are supposed to be animal lovers, you only have to watch TV to know cruelty goes on there. Here is the same. What I am upset about is people who get a dog make it part of their life and then they move on, go back to the UK. get another dog. Do they not realise, they were not part of that dogs life, they were his whole life, that is what they give you. A dog is for life, don't take him on unless you can give him that.
I forgive you if you die.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Beautiful Day
I haven't written anything for ages but couldn't resist taking this photograph of the dogs today. The weather has been glorious and we have spent most of the time in the garden. This was about the only patch of shade the dogs could find. I think Shula really misses our Palm Tree which succumb to the Red Palm Weevil, it was one of her favourite places to lay as it cast a lot of shade.
The dogs seem to be getting on really well together as they can be found most of the time sitting together.I was told by someone that it was unwise to have two bitches as they might fight but these two don't. Shula sometimes bullies Sky but Sky doesn't seem to mind and is always running after her. It is funny because if Shula wants to go out it is Sky who rushes up and down making all the fuss.
I let them out last night for their final run in the garden and when I brought them back in there was a fly on the glass door. Shula was terrified and wouldn't come in. I got rid of the fly but it took me ages to coax her to come to me and I had to pick her up and carry her in, she was shaking all over. I have never had a dog that was frightened of flies before but certainly have one now. I don't know what happened to frighten her so much but think she must have been stung or something. We have only had about three or four incidents since I have had her but the time before this she had a real panic attack so I do take it seriously.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Processionary Caterpillar, Beware
A problem for animal owners in Spain and some other countries.
It is a big problem in Calahonda and surrounding areas as we have hundreds and hundreds of pine trees which are protected. By law people with these trees on their property are supposed to spray every year, many do not and among these are some of the local authorities. People need to take care walking their dogs. Some of my friends have dogs that have suffered terribly, please read the following article and be aware of the dangers.
The processionary caterpillar builds its nests in the pine trees from early January onwards. Their white fluffy appearance looks like candy floss – nothing but trouble for curious dogs –
Inside these nest, the caterpillar goes through several stages of larvae and in the last one, number four, the body is covered with an incredible number of microscopic hairs.
Each hair can cause a severe allergic reaction to humans and animals alike. It is not even necessary to physically touch a caterpillar. Hair blown in the wind is enough to create great blisters on exposed parts of the body and a visit to the veterinary is called for.
We all love to walk in the pine forests. It would be sensible to put a muzzle on your dog for these walks. Your dog will soon get used to his muzzle and it offers protection from all kinds of hazards – especially the dangers of the processionary caterpillar.
Processionary caterpillars derive their name from the way they march in file. Coming down the pine tree they form a single file and walk behind their leader to their new territory, where they will stay underground during the summer.
Interestingly, if their leader loses its way, the file has been seen to walk endlessly nose to tail, in a circle.
Dogs and Cats will paw them and will be poisoned immediately. The pain will cause the pet to bring its paw to its mouth, and the result is gangrene. This is a highly dangerous situation and the pet can die within hours.
CALL YOUR VET – TAKE STRAIGHT TO YOUR VET---- Immediate action is called for. Explain what has happened and take your dog straight away. DO NOT TOUCH YOUR PET – Roll it in a towel and try to get someone to help you. Always be prepared for such an emergency.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Friday, February 1, 2013
Border Collies
Happy Birthday Breeze, four years old. What a beautiful dog who belongs to Debbie and is brilliant at agility, all down to love and dedication.
Last summer I had the privilege to meet Debbie who is a friend of my friend Chris.They meet up each day to walk and train their dogs. What a great life for the dogs meeting up, playing and doing what they love to do.
Debbie and Chris along with a couple of like minded friends have rented a field and set it up with agility equipment where they can go each day to train and do what their dogs most enjoy.
Border Collies were bred to work, they need to be occupied, they need loads of exercise. Anyone thinking of getting one think again. This is not a dog you can walk round the block once a day and expect it to be happy, if that is what you want look at some other breed. If you want to walk miles and spend time teaching your very intelligent companion how to fit in with your life, maybe, just maybe a Border Collie is for you.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Ken managed to catch me dozing with my dogs. The weather is not very good and we are having an afternoon snooze, well I am.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Summer and Winter
What a difference, Chris and Debbie's dogs swimming in the summer and Chris's dogs in the snow.
I hope all this snow is gone before I return to the UK on 15th. February.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
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