The other day a blackbird flew into my lounge. I heard the dogs making a fuss and went in to see what it was and there was a blackbird fluttering at the window. I managed to catch him and put him outside. Poor thing had lost a few feathers round his neck and on his back. Although he went off I was a bit worried the shock might kill him. This morning I have seen a blackbird with feathers missing from his neck and back so am asuming it is him.I don't think there are too many blackbirds around missing the same feathers.
We have about three pairs of blackbirds that come and nick cat bicuits out of the cats bowl on the window ledge and this is where I saw him. I was a bit concerned when they first started to come, one because the cats might get them. So far we have had only one fatality and I am pretty sure it was not Tich or Tommy that was responsible. It was possibly Oliver but I rather think it was a stray tom cat that comes around. I do try to disuade him and the dogs chase him but occaisionally he chances his luck.
I did try to get a photograph of the bird but they are pretty quick and it is not all that good trying to snap them through the glass. I have, however, left my ipad on the kitchen worktop just in case I am lucky.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Another Photo
I don't think Sky appreciates being disturbed by having her photo taken. She is so relaxed these days.
Looking back on my blog I find I have had Sky now for more than a year. I can't believe where the time has gone. She is such a happy little thing it is hard to remember the panic stricken dog I brought home. Around the house and areas she knows well she is totally confident. Everyone has noticed the difference. She still will not let anyone stroke her unless she is sitting with me or Ken but she doesn't panic or bark like she used to. There are still things that upset her and I wonder if she will ever have the confidence Shula has. Most people who remember the timid dog Shula was say it will just take time, I am not so sure. The difference is, Shula was born wild, she was timid of what she didn't know, when we gave her security she accepted it. Sky on the other hand was terribly abused, she knows what some people are capable of, she knows we love her and she is safe with us but other people she is not sure about. I think she will never trust anyone she doesn't know well so people in the street that want to stop and stroke my dogs have to make do with Shula.
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