Where I am at the moment I am not sure. I miss Shula more than I can say, not the end of her life which was thankfully taken out of my hands but just her understanding of how I felt. We took long walks, she ran, sometimes it was frustrating when she did not always come back when I called but from when she was born wild she was a free spirit. Sometimes she just needed to run I just had to wait for her to come back. She always did, so happy it was hard to be cross. She was such a happy dog everyone loved her and she excepted Sky into our home. I am not sure how well Sky is coping with her loss but she is more clingy than before. Ken has his own problems with Parkinson’s so all though he was sad he has excepted that she has gone. For me I just try to think of the early days, her first walks outside our villa, exploring the green zones. Meeting with other dogs, just socialising her, taking her to training classes. I didn’t agree totally with the trainer but went along because she enjoyed it and loved being with all the other dogs. I miss her so much. I am trying to make up for her loss to Sky but how do you do that?