ChariniToday was a very good day.
We went to visit some Friends in Sabanillas and took Shula with us. It was the longest car journey we have made with the dog, some 45 minutes there.
I would love to say she enjoyed it, but she didn't, anyway, she was very good the whole way. When we got there we took her for a short walk then up to the apartment. Everything was new for her, especially walking upstairs, with lots of encouragement we got there. Joe made a fuss of her and we took her into see Joe's wife Maria who is an invalid. Everyone was happy except Joe's cat Charini, we realised it was stalking the dog and growling. Shula decided to keep a low profile and lay down with her head on my feet. What a perfect dog, Joe was impressed.
Coming down the stairs was a first and we just went down and where we went she followed, not straight away, but my motto is, consistent, persistent and patience, in the end you get there, just some things take longer than others.