Mamute is Carmen's other little dog that I am looking after. He is the sweetest little dog. Carmen found him in a basura (rubbish) bin when he was a few weeks old. How anyone can dump puppies in the rubbish to die I will never understand, especially in this part of Spain where there are many animal rescue centres that would find a loving home for them. He was so tiny when Carmen found him you could sit him in your hand, so she gave him a big name. Mamute is a bit of a mouthful so I just call him Matty, he comes which ever name you use. He responds to come, and also ici, which is French for here. Carmen is from Belgium so her first languish is French and that is what she speaks to her pets. I find that it is more the tone you use than the actual words they respond to, except of course when you want to make them obey a command like sit or stay, then you really do need the languish they were taught in.
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