This morning we passed a car parked about 30 meters into the ravine, music blaring out but nobody in sight. Behind the car was a big open bag of dog biscuits and a bowl of water. Shula, of course, had helped herself to quite a few mouthfuls by the time I caught up to her. Half way down the ravine I met up with a young Spanish couple with two dogs and asked them if it was their car. It was. I wanted to say that my dog had just stuffed down half a bag of their biscuits but my Spanish could only run to politely telling them my dog had eaten their food. Typically Spanish, they just shrugged and said it was not a problem. I suppose it wasn't, except I am trying to get this little dog, who lived wild for the first four months of her life, out of picking up and eating everything she comes across. Not to worry, she had a wild time playing with their dogs. I am not sure which she enjoyed most, finding the food, or playing with the dogs. Anyway when we got home she flopped out and was sound asleep within minutes.
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