It is a year and a day since we first saw Shula. The time has flown and it just seems like yesterday we were bringing her home. The little dog we have today is far different from the dog we brought home. That little dog was so timid, today she is confident and outgoing. What hasn't changed is her nature. That little dog wanted to love everyone and everything but just didn't have the courage. Today she is trusting, wants to love everybody and any dog, cat or animal she meets. Having said all that, there has been the odd occasion when she has been a bit
wary of someone. I trust her judgement and avoid those people. The one good thing is, she is not a barker, in fact she hardly ever barks. She doesn't bark if the doorbell rings, or the phone so when she does bark you know it is for a reason. She does, however talk, it is like a low rumble, if you ask her if she wants to go out she will answer. I think we are so lucky, when you decide to take on a dog it doesn't always work out so well, especially when it is a rescue dog and you don't know what went on in their life before, but for us Shula is the perfect dog.