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Fishing Trip

Tina (our first dog)
Ken and I went to Isnajar yesterday on a fishing trip taking Shula with us. She gave us such a fright. After Ken had set up his rods I took her for a walk and we came across some hares, she was off chasing them before I could stop her. No amount of calling made any difference, she was up the hill and out of sight in seconds. After a while I gave up and went back to tell Ken I had lost her. I then went back to where I last saw her and called, after awhile I could hear her yelping in the distance, then caught a glimpse of her on the chase. I called and she started to come and another hare ran across her path and she was off again. Eventually, tired out she came to me, she knew she been naughty as she crouched down when she got to me. I made a huge fuss of her, although I could have cheerfully strangled her, I don't want her reluctant to come when I call. Ken met us on the way back, he had been so worried he had been unable to fish. He did go on fishing after that and caught ten, but as you can imagine he says she isn't coming on any more fishing trips. We will see, he said that years ago about our first dog after she stole his fishing bait.
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