Monday, November 27, 2023

Phone call

Sky in her favorite spot, she seems to be coping well after the loss of Shula for which I am grateful, I am not so sure about Ken or myself. 

Since Ken’s diagnoses of likely Parkinson’s disease and although the neurologist consultant wrote to the doctors surgery regarding the monitoring of  the prescribed medication we heard nothing. I did after a few weeks ring the surgery and a locum rang me back only to tell me it was nothing to do with them and I should get back to the neurologist which I had consulted privately. I referred him to the letter which was sent to the surgery of which I had a copy but he suggested I ring the number on the letter despite the fact that I explained that was just for his secretary who had no contact except to make appointments and bill for his services he was not interested. Since then Ken has had a couple of falls which I have managed except the last one where he fell in the bedroom and couldn’t get up. I covered him up and we waited a couple of  hours hoping he would regain enough strength to get on the bed but that didn’t happen and he started to ramble so I rang for an ambulance which of course didn’t come. They did ring back to see if he was conscious  but didn’t seem concerned that he was rambling. I was a bit annoyed at this point and asked why someone in the street managed to have an ambulance at least four times a week for well over an hour when it was just because she was old, lonely and depressed but we had waited hours. Finally between us Ken managed to crawl into bed and I stood the ambulance down. Much to my surprise an NHS  team arrived, they did check Ken and said they would refer the matter to our doctors surgery, re the medication review also if there was help available if he fell for which I was quite prepared to pay.  

Long and short of it I had a call this morning from the doctors surgery and we went through the whole sorry saga and we have agreed on a slow increase of Ken’s medication which I will need to monitor for side effects but know I can ring for advice. The problem of help if he falls and I can’t manage they are looking into, as am I. The phone call has helped no end knowing that I may get some help and we are not totally alone coping with it.


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