Thursday, February 22, 2024

Another day

 I can’t say how stressful trying to sort out the paperwork involved is since Ken died. I delt with Ken’s father’s death, his mother and my aunt who died without leaving a will. It seems very simple when you don’t have too much to leave. The more you have the more complicated it becomes. I will get through it but am not rushing but do need to get it sorted. It seems that if you save and provide for your old age you are penalized although there are no death duties between husband and wife after that the duties are extortionate. My advice to anyone is spend it while you can.    

I know we like lots of people in our generation put aside money in case we needed care in old age. It seems ironic that illegal immigrates, people who don’t work are cared for better than our old people, so people who can conserve money to care for them when they get old do but if they die unexpectedly death duties are a joke. Spend it all while you can because if you don’t the government will spend it on stuff you don’t want.

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