Me and little dog Sky are trying to cope. I am not sure how she feels, for the first few days after Ken died she refused to eat. I was so worried as she lost weight refusing to eat when Shula died, we broke all our rules and left her food down and Ken hand fed her when she would eat and gradually she recovered.
It has been the same since Ken, I have fried chicken and fed her and gradually got her back to eating. Some days are better than others but I have not got her back to eating when her food is put down. I don’t care, I leave it down, at 15 I just want her to eat and all the rules we had mean nothing now.
I trained Shula, she was well behaved, sat and lay down when told. Sky when I got her was so traumatized just getting her to feel safe took forever. I didn’t try to train her she followed Shula every where and I suppose I took the easy route, she came when she was called so I could put her on her lead I didn’t need her to sit and stay. When we took them out to visit Shula would lay down as commanded, little dog would sit on someone’s knee mainly our friend Doug who was one of the people she felt safe with. Hopefully we can get through this.