Thursday, April 11, 2013

Beautiful Day

I haven't written anything for ages but couldn't resist taking this photograph of the dogs today. The weather has been glorious and we have spent most of the time in the garden. This was about the only patch of shade the dogs could find. I think Shula really misses our Palm Tree which succumb to the Red Palm Weevil, it was one of her favourite places to lay as it cast a lot of shade.

The dogs seem to be getting on really well together as they can be found most of the time sitting together.I was told by someone that it was unwise to have two bitches as they might fight but these two don't. Shula sometimes bullies Sky but Sky doesn't seem to mind and is always running after her. It is funny because if Shula wants to go out it is Sky who rushes up and down making all the fuss.

I let them out last night for their final run in the garden and when I brought them back in there was a fly on the glass door. Shula was terrified and wouldn't come in. I got rid of the fly but it took me ages to coax her to come to me and I had to pick her up and carry her in, she was shaking all over. I have never had a dog that was frightened of flies before but certainly have one now. I don't know what happened to frighten her so much but think she must have been stung or something. We have only had about three or four incidents since I have had her but the time before this she had a real panic attack so I do take it seriously.