Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Rola Ball

Shula still loves this ball. These days we have to make sure we cut her dinner down so she can still play with this treat. She has put on a bit of weight as she has got older. She is not interested these days in running around with other dogs like she did when she was younger. I think I am going to have to go on longer walks but the weather hasn't been too good lately and being out in the rain is not a lot of fun.

Monday, February 13, 2017

My sweet Chia

This photo popped up on memories on Facebook this morning. One of my friends remarked sometime ago that she wasn't keen on Facebook memories as it kept popping up photos of dead pets and your ex who you want to forget. Having been married for nearly fifty years there are no photos of any ex on Facebook and although it is quite a few years since Chia died I never want to forget her.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Lunch with my friends the week before Christmas

I meant to post this photo before Christmas but better late than never. Front row right Lynn Robinson, next to her Jean Birnie, then me. Front row left Linda Frost, next to her Linda Saffell and next to her Joan Waklin the only one of the lunch circle missing is Joan Davis who was back in the UK.