Friday, August 8, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Oliver sleeping

Oliver sleeping, he is one clever cat. Oliver seems to know that he needs to keep warm so usually spends the night in but also comes in during the day if it turns cold. He really is thin but is eating tinned food okay. My friend carmen spoke with his owner the other day and she said she buys him dried food. Carmen told her he can not eat this but she really is not interested. Not to worry he knows where he is looked after and we will do the best for him we can. He is old, looks a bit scruffy but is still  alert, washes himself and is interested when you talk to him. Where he stopped coming in when we got the dogs he now is not bothered, I think he knows he needs to be warm. He isn't worried about the dogs, he knows we would never let anything happen to him, he probably always knew that but when he was younger he was independant so being here wasn't so important.

New Car

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

It is ages since I wrote anything on my blog. Christmas has come and gone and lots of things have happened but I have not been in the mood for writing. I am a bit sad about that because I know when you think back you can never remember the sequence of events.
One of the reasons why I started this blog was to chart the life of  my rescue dog Shula, well it has become more than that, it is my life with my pets and also my friends. My friends are very varied, some like me are animal lovers and some are not but they are all nice people.
We had a visit recently from Bev and Alan, Shula was as always happy to see them, Sky not so happy. I was so pleased that we did not have the barking, unhappy thing with Sky. Sky was for the most quiet, she was happy to be stroked by our guests if we were sat next to them. We will get there in the end, one day this little dog will realise that we will never let her be at risk of the abuse that has made her so afraid. Meanwhile, she has the choice.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Prince Charlie

I haven't written anything in my blog for ages so will  upload a few things and go in and edit later.

Charlie's first Christmas with Andrea. Andrea's christmas card, is he spoilt to death? Oh yes.